In 1972 a Columbus, Ohio physician, Dr. Philip K. Wood, who devoted his career to the treatment and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, was aware of the talent, capabilities, determination, and courage of the disabled. This physician established Ms. Wheelchair America as a forum for the promotion of the achievements, as well as the needs, of people who are wheelchair mobile. There are events currently held in approximately 25 states throughout the US. These non-profit programs are staffed and coordinated by volunteers throughout the country dedicated to increasing public awareness so that all of its citizens will be able to lead productive and meaningful lives. Ms. Wheelchair Kansas is an entity of the network of states that make up Ms. Wheelchair America, and is recognized as the official program for Kansas in this national organization.
Organization Mission
Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, Inc. annually selects an adult, teen, and youth titleholder, who are wheelchair mobile, that successfully advocate, educate, and empower all people on a state level.
The Ms. Wheelchair Kansas program was started in 2004 by an independent delegate who served as the first titleholder and then took on the task of creating the Kansas program from scratch, alongside a founding steering committee. This steering committee planned and held the first annual event in 2005. Events were then held annually in subsequent years, and the annual event continues each year. As the sisterhood became stronger and the program grew, it was time to take the next step and become a full non-profit organization. Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, Inc. was officially incorporated in 2015 and became a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity in 2018.
A new addition to the organization was also created in 2015... the Little Miss Wheelchair Kansas program. With encouragement and leadership provided by the daughter of a former Ms. titleholder, this program was established to provide opportunities for the younger generation and build mentoring relationships within the sisterhood. The program is open to young ladies between the ages of 9 and 13.
In 2025, on our 20th anniversary, we are launching a third addition to our organization… the Junior Miss Wheelchair Kansas program! This program is open to female teens who are wheelchair mobile between the ages of 14 and 18. We are so excited to use all three of our programs to create unique mentoring opportunities for all of our ladies and amplify the voices of female wheelchair users of ALL ages!
To learn more about Ms. Wheelchair America, visit www.mswheelchairamerica.org.
1972 Ms. Wheelchair America is established.
2004 Carrie Greenwood serves as an Independent Delegate for Kansas within Ms. Wheelchair America and establishes a Ms. Wheelchair Kansas Steering Committee. Steering Committee builds the state program from scratch, creating a mission, logo, establishing partnerships, and organizing the first ever event to select a titleholder.
2005 The first annual Ms. Wheelchair Kansas event is hosted at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Topeka, KS.
2014 Ms. Wheelchair Kansas celebrates its 10 year anniversary!
2015 Ms. Wheelchair Kansas becomes incorporated. Little Miss Wheelchair Kansas is created by the organization, with leadership from Rory Shaver, for girls ages 5-12 and crowns its first honorary titleholder, Delaney Murphy.
2017 Ms. Wheelchair Kansas event finds a new home at the Doubletree Hotel in Lawrence, KS.
2018 Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, Inc. becomes a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity and begins building an official Board of Directors.
2025 Ms. Wheelchair Kansas celebrates its 20 year anniversary! Junior Miss Wheelchair Kansas, for teens ages 14-18, is added to the family of MWKS programs.
The Event
The competition itself is a three-day event that culminates at the crowning ceremony where the new Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, Junior Miss Wheelchair Kansas, and Little Miss Wheelchair Kansas are crowned. This event is not only a competition, but also an occasion that focuses on empowerment and disability pride. Contestants are able to network with each other, as well as our past titleholders, and celebrate the strength of each individual.
Many fun activities and informative sessions are also planned throughout the weekend.
An interview with with President and CEO of Ms. Wheelchair Kansas Carrie Greenwood.
The Ms. Contestants, Junior Miss contestants, and Little Miss contestants have their own informational and leadership sessions. They are able to learn about various topics, network with community leaders, explore their own interests and skills, and interact with former titleholders. Then, all three groups come together for activities and team building! A community service project is also a staple during the weekend event. The entire weekend culminates in the crowning ceremony where contestants are celebrated and the new titleholders are announced! The crowning is open to the public and is a unique event where many community volunteers come together to make the event the best it can be!
The annual event is so much more than a competition. It is a weekend of empowerment; an experience; a celebration of sisterhood and disability pride.